Solution to YouTube videos/iframes negatively effecting website load speed. Use Intersection Observer API To Lazy Load. React component included in article.
Helper function to measure the execution time of code in JS and add X seconds to delay. Time asynchronous function and sleep code for specific time, including await time.
A run down of what to expect from the new Gatsby Plugin Image components, how to use it, and how it differs from the original Gatsby Image.
Solved: Error 'Unsupported prop change on Elements: You cannot change the `stripe` prop after setting it.'. useEffect and useState to fix and dynamically set.
A solution to keyboard only navigation with a focus state for buttons and links. Purely HTML and CSS. An easy alternative to :focus-visible. Add a focus style when user navigates by keyboard.
TypeError: Cannot set property 'fillStyle' of null when using lottie-react in Jest testing solved.
Connect WordPress Gravity Forms with Gatsby when using a headless CMS. Simply render forms as React Components and pass form data back securely.
Conditionally access JavaScript object without returning an error. Shorter and simpler to implement, and returns null or undefined. Alternative to Lodash get.
Recoil is a minimal experimental state management library for React. This article gives an overview of its benefits and how to use Recoil. If you have used Redux or React Context with Providers, the concept is very...
Fix for WordPress CORs errors with Wordpress Rest API. content-type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers, x-wp-nonce is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers, doesn't pass access control check: It does...