A solution to keyboard only navigation with a focus state for buttons and links. Purely HTML and CSS. An easy alternative to :focus-visible. Add a focus style when user navigates by keyboard.
Struggling to mock the Date in Jest using CRA? Need consistant global Date testing for React? This article provides the solution.
TypeError: Cannot set property 'fillStyle' of null when using lottie-react in Jest testing solved.
Experiment to show that Gatsby Image is not always the best option. By not using it, Google Insights LCP increases by several seconds.
Connect WordPress Gravity Forms with Gatsby when using a headless CMS. Simply render forms as React Components and pass form data back securely.
Conditionally access JavaScript object without returning an error. Shorter and simpler to implement, and returns null or undefined. Alternative to Lodash get.
Recoil is a minimal experimental state management library for React. This article gives an overview of its benefits and how to use Recoil. If you have used Redux or React Context with Providers, the concept is very...
Functional components are far more efficient than class based components. Less code is needed to achieve the same goal.This post explains how functional components can carry out life-cycle events without needing to be...
A step by step process of deploying Gatsby static sites on AWS without Amplify. Solution to 'Deploy fails with "[ERROR]: Failed to deploy'. Gatsby deploy with AWS CI.
Considering using Gatsby JS for your website? Looking to improve your businesses marketing? Will it improve a websites performance? Not sure of the benifits? Gatsby could be the right choice.