Fix for WordPress CORs errors with Wordpress Rest API. content-type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers, x-wp-nonce is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers, doesn't pass access control check: It does...
Access all files (not just images) from WordPress media library in Gatsby using custom resolvers and createremotefilenode. Uses gatsby-source-filesystem to add to query.
I recently published an article covering the development of a custom Gatsby Source Plugin. To help get off the ground faster I created a starter repository. I didn’t want to include too much details in the tutorial, so...
A simple step by step guide for creating a Gatsby JS source plugins, to help developers new to the eco-system. Includes starter templates to get you moving!
How to ESLint disable line, section, or whole page of code. Examples for ELint disable next line and other ESLint disable rules.
While researching the best way to implement React Context into my projects, I found that a lot of the articles were over-complicating what should be a very simple process. The code below is a slimmed down use case, so...
For a while now I have been working with WordPress as a back end CMS (one of the many micro services) and Gatsby to generate websites for my clients. To connect the two I am use a WordPress plugin called WP GraphQL, and...
A simple JavaScript function that takes a collection of londitude and latidute points in an array, and returns the bounds for use with maps.
I have been working on components for Gatsby JS, and including React Hooks. The idea is they will be packaged up separately and pushed to NPM. To make the build easier I house the component in a separate directory and...
Plugin for Gravity Forms ReCaptcha. Invisible ReCaptcha v3 plugin, without the need for pictures. Simple install for WordPress.