Tutorial for headless WordPress Gravity Forms with Gatsby Frontend. Step by step guide to rendering forms as React Components and handling submissions.
Use SFTP to deploy a Gatsby Site onto hosting easily. A solution to automatically deploy Gatsby public folder to a server with SFTP.
Solution for 'warn chunk commons [mini-css-extract-plugin]' error in Gatsby JS error in log. Conflicting order warning.
Updating React Material UI Core causes error: 'Failed prop type: The prop `disableBackdropClick` of `ForwardRef(Dialog)` is deprecated' - SOLVED! With example.
Solution for adding media.net ad script to React website. Provides a React component for showing media.net adverts. Simple example of how to add script to a website.
Solution to YouTube videos/iframes negatively effecting website load speed. Use Intersection Observer API To Lazy Load. React component included in article.
How to unit test a React parent component logic, and check that a child component is passed the correct props. Test if a component is called with expected argument using React Testing Library.
Helper function to measure the execution time of code in JS and add X seconds to delay. Time asynchronous function and sleep code for specific time, including await time.
A run down of what to expect from the new Gatsby Plugin Image components, how to use it, and how it differs from the original Gatsby Image.
Solved: Error 'Unsupported prop change on Elements: You cannot change the `stripe` prop after setting it.'. useEffect and useState to fix and dynamically set.