Mocking date in Redux Toolkit slice with jest in unit tests solution. How to solve new date isostring issue in RTK mock.
How to use Arrange Act Assert pattern in unit testing, and why it is so helpful. Arrange-Act-Assert is powerful because it is simple. By keeping the tests short and concise means clean tests.
How to mock a React component in a jest unit test. Example of how to mock a default or named component using React Testing Library.
Using React MUI DatePicker dynamically lazy load date-fns locale files for localization. Reduce page size, speed up load time. Full working example and how to solution. Import locale files from date-fns.
Solution to using WordPress shortcodes in Gatsby. Replace WordPress shortcode with React Component in Gatsby simply. No MDX needed.
Solution for error 'RangeError: timeZone is not supported.' when unit testing Intl API. Caused by Node not supporting time zones
Use SFTP to deploy a Gatsby Site onto hosting easily. A solution to automatically deploy Gatsby public folder to a server with SFTP.
Solution for 'warn chunk commons [mini-css-extract-plugin]' error in Gatsby JS error in log. Conflicting order warning.
Updating React Material UI Core causes error: 'Failed prop type: The prop `disableBackdropClick` of `ForwardRef(Dialog)` is deprecated' - SOLVED! With example.
Solution for adding media.net ad script to React website. Provides a React component for showing media.net adverts. Simple example of how to add script to a website.